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Summary Profile
- Environmental Law
- Clean Water Act
- Clean Air Act
- Resource Conservation & Recovery Act
- Remediation
- Due Diligence during mergers, acquisitions
- Internal investigations for corporate compliance
- Environmental Permitting
- Enforcement Defense
Heavy Industrial and Chemical.
Beverlee litigated at the U.S. Department of Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Division, before she joined the same American Law 100 firm and its predecessor as Bruce and David. She has advised clients and represented them in negotiations with government agencies and in litigating environmental claims on their behalf for more than twenty years.
- Missouri
- Pennsylvania
- US. Supreme Court
- U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri
- U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
Working on local politics, kayaking the Missouri River, and playing with her dogs.
Full Profile
Representative Experience
- Prior to joining private practice, Beverley worked for the United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., where she litigated civil environmental cases in the federal district courts of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Washington and Alaska. She also represented the EPA in Regions VI (Dallas), VII (Kansas City), and X (Seattle). Her experience encompasses:
- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Liability and Compensation Act (CERCLA). Beverlee has represented clients at federal and state Superfund sites in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Vermont, New Jersey, California, and Tennessee. Before coming to Blackwell, Beverlee represented the United States at various hazardous waste sites in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Louisiana, and Alaska. Using her government experience, she has helped business clients achieve risk-based solutions to historical contamination problems without any litigation at industrial properties in Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas.
- Clean Water Act. She litigated Clean Water Act cases in Louisiana, Missouri, and Alaska. At Blackwell Sanders, she has negotiated a critical Wetlands mitigation project for a client/developer.
- Clean Air Act. Beverlee filed cases under the Clean Air Act for violations of the asbestos National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) in Kansas, Alaska, and the Eastern and Western Districts of Arkansas, and for violations of the New Source Performance Standards in Missouri and Kansas. Beverlee has represented clients in asbestos-related matters and Clean Air Act compliance. She is working on permitting a power plant in Utah.
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. She handled matters in Iowa against commercial enterprises for failure to adequately respond to inquiries from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency about management of hazardous waste.
- Beverlee focuses her practice on due diligence during mergers and acquisitions, and corporate compliance, believing that good advice, implemented early, saves companies significant resources in the long run.
- Beverlee represents clients before regulatory agencies. She achieves, to the extent possible, favorable outcomes. When regulators overreach beyond their legal mandate, she analyzes the matter with the client. If strategically necessary to effect a fair and legally-warranted result, she will push back on behalf of the client into an appropriate judicial forum.
- J.D., Vermont Law School
- B.A., Gordon College, summa cum laude
Professional Associations and Civic Involvement
- Platte County, Missouri Commissioner for District 1
- Former Municipal Judge for the City of Weatherby Lake, Missouri
- Former Magistrate for the City of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
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